Visitors to SACH in January

January 31, 2014

We’re always receiving guests to the Save a Child’s Heart children’s home and the Wolfson Medical Center from all over the world, and we just love it! This past month we were visited by:

Calanit Schachner, SACH Young Leadership UK representative, Barbara Feldman with her family from the US, Felicity Swerdlow, Director Curriculum and Instruction Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School USA, Member of the Dutch Parliament Mr. Kees van der Staaij with his staff, Mike Rubin, Disaster Medicine Fellow, Department of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Lizi Haneiri and Ross Web, A team of “Here is Israel” who came to produce a film about SACH, Ziv Rubinstein, Israeli composer, songwriter and television producer and Joanne Nihom, Dutch journalist.

In addition we received 23 Young Leadership groups from Australia, Canada, US and the UK