MEET our


Meet the Save a Child's Heart team members who ensure that the humanitarian activity of saving children's lives continues.


Marni Brinder Byk
Executive Director
Gillian Grossman
Donor Relations and           
Operations Manager
Melanie Kushner
Development Supervisor
Jessica Haber
Development Coordinator
Eden Ohayon
Montreal Young Leadership Coordinator
Sabrina Taran

Development Consultant
Board of Directors
Leslie Giller, Chair
Lisa Ritchie, Vice Chair/Past Chair
Alexandra Spinner, Treasurer
Toby Rose, MD, Secretary
Leora Branfield-Day, MD
Heather Crawford
Karen Diamond
Robyn Feldberg
Jennifer Godfrey
Zach Goldstein
William Goldstein Caryl, MD
Lauren Hoffman
David Isaacman
Stacey Kline
Lana Pulver
Danny Ritter

Honorary Board
Bernard Goldman, CM, MD, FRCSC, Chair Emeritus
Gideon Cohen, MD
Michael Diamond
Shelley Diamond
Stephen Diamond
Gerry Gotfrit
Alan Greenberg
Riva Grinshpan
Gil Gross, MD
Ronnen Harary
Louis Peltz, MD
Ariella Rohringer
Darryl Rosenberg
Judy Tanenbaum
Larry Tanenbaum
Jennifer Tory


Simon Fisher
Executive Director

Riki Rosenbaum
Director of Operations

arah Nevo
Office Manager

Laura Kafif
House Mother

Dawn Mizrachi
Medical Secretary

Ido Gutin
Director of Resource Development

Jennifer Lang
Grants and Development Manager

Danielle Rothenberg
International Young Leadership Director

Dr. Wafiq Othman
Palestinian Program Coordinator

Samah Bany Odeh
Palestinian Families Coordinator and assistant house mother

Bernardo Scheinberg
Finance and Economy Director

Ariela Skanderani
Prof. Arie Schachner

Board Israel
Yoram Cohen, Chairman
Yoram Benita, Treasurer
Adi Ashkenazi, Secretary
Ayala Atar
Dr. Yitzhak Berlovitz
Yael Dayan
Sally Esakov
Lewis Gerber
Uri Kertes
Hagit Kochba
Mohamad (Abu Hassan) Mansour
Rafi Priell
Debbie Silver
Amiram Van Kloeten
Dr. Zehavit Zivner

Audit Committee
Yuval Bronstein
Yaakov Livne
Shlomo Zalel


Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Dr. Lior Sasson
Director of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Dr. Hagi Dekel
Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Anat Mastor
Head of Perfusion

Yigal Sofer

Ala'a Mansour

vgenia Siklier
Head Nurse, Pediatric Cardiac Operating Rooms

Olga Gur
Deputy Head Nurse,
Operating Rooms

Chaya Museri
Retired Head Nurse, Pediatric Cardiac Operating Rooms
Pediatric Cardiology
Dr. Akiva Tamir
Retired Director of Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Alona Raucher Sternfeld
Director of Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Sagi Assa Senior Pediatric Cardiologist & Head of the Interventional Pediatric Cardiology Unit

Dr. Hanita Shai
Senior Pediatric Cardiologist & Head of Pediatric Cardiac MRI program

Yifat Brosh
Pediatric Echocardiography Technician

Svetlana Katsovich
Head Nurse,
Catheterization Laboratory

Itzak Meirovich
Head Technician,
Catheterization Laboratory

Tal Sela
Catheterization Laboratory
Dr. Nugzar Rijini
Director of Anesthesia Department

Dr. Sherman Alexander
Director of Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia

Dr. Andrey Gluch
Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Intensive Care
Dr. Sion Houri
Retired Director of the Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit

Dr. Racheli Sion Sarid
Director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Irena Nosal
Head Nurse,
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Revital Cohen
Deputy Head Nurse,
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Pediatric Surgical Ward
Nava Gershon
Head Nurse,
Pediatric Surgical Ward

Nelly Avramov
Deputy Head Nurse,
Pediatric Surgical Ward

United States

David Litwack
Executive Director

Marla Landis
West Coast Regional Director

Brianna Fowler
Director of Marketing and Strategy

Nancy Pardo

US Young Leadership Director

Anita Greenwald
Office Manager

Ronit Totah
DC Director
US Honorary Board
Ambassador Frances Cook Pennie Abramson
David Avital
Mayim Bialik
Duff Goldman
Amb. Daniel Kurtzer
Howard Leiter
Aaron David Miller
Amb. Thomas Pickering
Josh Rolnick
Amb. Edward Walker
Elie Wiesel, z”l
Hon. Dov Zakheim
US Governing Board
Vivian Bass, President
Jeff Hoffman, Immediate Past President
Judy Shore, Immediate Past President
Barry Perlis, Past President
Simon Elias, Vice President
Mark Kahan, Vice President
Marc Feinberg, Treasurer
Erica Kane, Secretary
George Douglas
Ben Feder
Yan Katsnelson
Carmi Kobren
Joseph Lucosky
Laura Ozer
Andrea Rich
Brad Rosen
Margy Rosenbluth
Jessica Schneider
Shelli Semler
Peter Wells


Doron Lazarus
National CEO - SACH Australia
T +61-487340092

Advisory Committee
Andrew Blode
Ilit Golshevsky
Gary Samowitz
Sandy Waislitz
George Fink
Nelly Katsnelson
Sharonne Slonim


General Inquiries

Anthony J. Cotton
Walter Felman, President
Olly Honigman, Chair
Harvey J. Rose
David Silverston 
Ana-Karina Allen
Diane Cohen
Sarah Derriey
Ilana Erlikh
Elana Gabay
Aleksandra Gawlytta
Olivia Geisler
Adam Goldstein
Orly Grushka
Adina Koorlander
Calanit Schachner Laufer
Maya Levy
Sophie Saunders
Rob Sher
Dr Sarah Simons
Iris & Haim Taib
Dr. Ariella Wagerman
Dr. Jessica Weinberger
Dr. Shier Ziser

Young Leadership
Alissia Dawood
Tash Grossman
Talia Hannuna
Shoshi Hertz
Tamara Searle
James Segal
Alex Sharpe
Isabel Wiseman

Maestro Zubin
Mehta Andrew Percy
M.P. Prof. Lord Winston
Lord Levy
Lord Polak

The Netherlands

General Inquiries


Prof. dr. Ronald de Groot

Margot Ermia
Secretary to the Board

Corine Timmermans

Robert Baruch
International Relations

Ronald Vles

Heleen Rijkens - Unger

Leslie de Swaan

Lars van Susteren
Web Manager & IT

Emma Oostenbroek
Young Leadership

Emma Oostenbroek
Director Young Leadership NL

Lars van Susteren
Web Manager & IT

Julia Blaauw
Public Relations

Manouck Roelofs

Hidde Oostenbroek


General Inquiries


Cole Keister
David Silverman
Debbie Silver
Eli Gross
Gil Naor

Gili Benita
Gili Yaari
Leatal Harari
Marissa Rosenfeld
Meredith Holbrook

Nati Shohat
Sheila Shalhevet z"l
Yonatan Sindel

Long-term volunteers

Azor Ladies Circle
The Azur Ladies Circle became involved with SACH in 2007, often organising parties with activities in the Save a Child’s Heart children’s home, making all the children and mothers very happy.

Bank Leumi Staff
Since 2008, the local branch of Leumi Bank in Holon visits the children’s home every holiday, bringing lots of goodies for the children, creating an exciting and festive atmosphere.

Bruria Gal
Bruria is from Kibbutz Lahav in South Israel. She has been volunteering at the hospital with Dr. Tamir and his team since 2004. Bruria keeps the SACH Archives for the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic up-to-date and filed so that the medical records of the children are easily accessible. Bruria also regularly take children and parents to the airport when they return home after their life saving treatment in Israel.

Einav Barazany
Einav is an Israeli Aeronautical Engineer and world traveller. Einav has been volunteering at the Save a Child’s Heart children’s home since 2004. It is great to have a male volunteer, especially for the older boys in the home who love playing and speaking with him. Over the years Einav has taken children on trips as well as befriending and taking many of the volunteers living at the SACH House and the doctors and the nurses who are training with SACH, on trips around Israel.

EL AL Social Committee
Since 2008, the EL AL Social committee visits the children’s home every Israeli holiday bringing gifts and chocolates to for the children and mothers.

Eva Gross
Eva joined us in 2008. She is an Israeli retired dentist who volunteers at the Tuesday weekly Palestinian clinic with Dr. Tamir and his team.

Lea Labi
Since 2004 Lea has been coming every week, with a smile, to the children’s home to volunteer and play with the children. The children look forward to her arrival and eagerly await the days' activities. She always has a special treat for the children. Lea keeps the "clothes closet" in order, a daunting job with all the activity at the SACH House.

Lolitta Markus
Lolitta lived for many years in Congo. She has been volunteering in the Save a Child’s Heart children’s home since 2003. Lolita is a Friday regular. Armed with ice-cream and treats for the children she makes her day a special celebration each week. She also helps keep the clothes and shoes cupboard stocked to give to the children and mothers.

Maureen Benita
Maureen was born in Britain and has been living in Israel since 1969. Maureen worked at the Catheterization Laboratory at the Wolfson Medical Center and after retiring in 2007 she wanted to continue and help the children of Save a Child’s Heart. She joined Dr. Tamir and his team at the Tuesday weekly clinic for Palestinian children and has been part of the team since then.

Sheila Shalhevet
American born Sheila has been living in Israel since 1970. She has been with Save a Child’s Heart since April 2001. Sheila is an active board member and volunteer and she is the Save a Child’s Heart photographer – taking the photo of each and every child arriving in Israel. In addition Sheila makes herself available at all times helping out in the SACH house and with visitors.
Tali Shaked
Tali manages a kindergarden in Holon and has been volunteering for Save a Child’s Heart since 2005. Every week she comes on her single day off from work and helps Dr. Tamir and his team in the Tuesday weekly Palestinian clinic.

Yossef Yacobi
Yossef, or as we all call him – Papa Lemon – lives in Azor and is a neighbour to the children’s home. Since 2006 Yossef has been coming to the house to help with the gardening and the day to day jobs. He speaks to the children and mothers in the many languages he knows and brings a neighbourly feeling to the SACH House when he visits in the evenings, bringing lots of lemons freshly picked from his garden.

Helene Kaminsky
Helene is a dedicated volunteer who comes to SACH every week and is loved by the children and their mothers. When children return home, Helene takes them to the airport and ensures their safe departure. Helene organizes the donation of clothes, bags and shoes for the children. Most of all Helen's love and dedication to the children cared for by SACH embodies the spirit of our volunteers. Helen is Israeli-French.

OUR TEAM Saving lives
around the world

Pediatric Surgical Ward Nursing Team

CATH lab nursing team

Dr. Lior sasson and Nurse Chaya Museri

Dr. Sion Houri

Anat mastor and Yigal Sofer

Nurse Svetlana Katsovich

Dr. Akiva tamir and dr. Hagi Dekel

Nurse Irena Nosal

Yifat Brosh

Dr. Sherman Alexander



"Whoever saves a life saves the world"

mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5